AU2V, Sacrifice Rock DXpedition, 7th to 10th February 2025

The Sacrifice Rock DXpedition team has announced the dates on their website. It is from 7th to 10th February 2025. Frequency plan is also online, with operations from 80m to 10m, including WARC bands. CW, FT8 and SSB modes have been planned. Operation on FT8 will be on Fox/Hound mode. Split operations are planned to handle pile ups better. They will be listening for stations from United States of America specifically on 7160 kHz. There is only a small time window of propagation from this region to the United States. Time window to the US corresponds to the grey line propagation. That is early morning and evening or dawn and dusk. All of us in this region are quite excited about the Sacrifice Rock DXpedition. We are looking forward to this DXpedition coming up very near us.

VU3WEW took this video clip while on a reconnaissance trip to Sacrifice Rock last week. He has taken this video clip from a boat, travelling quite near to the tiny island. Single glance will tell you the adventurous nature of the Sacrifice Rock DXpedition. Our national tricolor flag has come out very well in the video clip from a distance. I read from the tourism website that there is a plaque there mentioning that it is the property of Government of India. Seawater seems to be calm at the moment and you can see a few eagles soaring high.


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