Why is Yaesu FT-60R Dual Band Handheld 5W VHF/UHF Radio Trending?

 When I checked for Google Trends for Amateur Radio, I found that Yaesu FT-60R Dual Band Handheld 5W VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Transceiver as the top trending topic with breakout results. But when I searched after some time, the top one was IC 7300 and it kept on changing frequently. May be because the total number of searches are not high compared to other search terms on Google. Checked Amazon.com about the availability and found that it is available, but will not ship to my region. I had noted that the interest on Google was mainly from United States of America. I noted Weather Alert as a special feature on Yaesu FT-60R. That may be the reason for it trending in the US.

Other features seem to be similar to other dual band handheld radios, with 1000 memory channels and coverage for both VHF and UHF amateur radio bands as well as additional wide band receiver coverage, mentioned as even up to 999.99 MHz. That is just below 1 GHz! That could be another reason why it is popular in the US. Emergency Automatic Identification (EAI) feature for search-and-rescue work has also been listed. May be it will be useful for first responders and radio amateurs helping them out in case of natural calamities. Some radio amateurs have in fact mentioned about use in rescue efforts on their reviews.


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