Three ATNOs in a row on 20m!

 Yesterday evening I tuned to 20m with my shortened end fed half wave antenna mounted using 3m PVC/CPVC pipes on my first floor terrace. To my surprise several stations were coming in unusually strong. I could hear VU3RAZ and VU2YK along with S79VU having a technical discussion. Tried to get in as VU3RAZ usually hears my break-in calls very well. But it was S79VU who picked my call first this time! As the discussions were continuing in full swing, suddenly V85NPV started calling S79VU. After exchanging reports with him, S79VU asked me to try calling V85NPV. I was quite happy as I have never worked Brunei Island. I had a quick QSO with V85NPV and he signed off after exchanging reports with all in the group. Interestingly, S79VU is also a new station in my log, though I have heard others work him earlier. Propagation was not good for me to work him then. I still remember hearing the broadcast station FEBA, Seychelles on shortwave while I was at school. Yet this is the first time I am able to establish two way radio contacts with the region. A few minutes later, I had the opportunity to work VK2GND on another frequency. Though I have heard Australian stations occasionally on other bands, somehow I have never been successful in working one. This time I could get through with 5,8-9 report while he was being heard here well over 5,9+. ATNO means 'All Time New One'.


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