Shall we promote our hobby by upgrading?

 I have noted that most of the new hams getting licensed in this region are VU3 rather than VU2. You are aware that VU2 has much more exciting operating privileges than VU3. As of now, most of you with VU3 have been finding it difficult to crack the Morse Code test. Shall we start practise sessions on air? My simple suggestion is that we can use local repeaters which are idle most of the time for live Morse Code receiving sessions. Being FM repeaters, we can start the call on voice and send recorded CW messages as audio, just like the repeater beacon, at slow speed so that those listening can copy them and call back on voice, confirming the reception. I have noted that most VU3s are able to send CW well while they have difficulty in receiving. It is this aspect which we plan to help out by these sessions. Currently I can access only VU2CSR and VU2MJJ repeaters. Others with access to other repeaters could try it out in their regions so that more and more VU3s can upgrade to VU2 and in the process many SWLs also might get callsigns. Timing can be soon after the repeater nets or 15 minutes before the net so that there will be others who are tuning in as well. This could also be a forum for us to discuss with others. After all, amateur radio is the oldest social media and we can keep it alive on air waves rather than on other social media platforms! 


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