Manual Rotation of Moxon Yagi During Pass of Space Station to 'Catch' DX Station!

 There was a pass of Space Station from North to South along the Eastern side today evening at around 6.45 pm IST. So I kept my Moxon Yagi in a North East direction, hoping to pick up some station from that direction, even though it was only a pass of about 18 degree maximum elevation, which is not that good for my suboptimal setup. Moreover, I was pointing my antenna almost at my water tank which was higher than the antenna and made of solid concrete. Still I could hear VU2TUM fairly well at the beginning of the pass and VU2YE later. As the satellite reached the Eastern side, I heard a YD station and wanted to 'catch' that station. As the satellite direction was already away from the antenna, I quickly went outside and rotated my Moxon Yagi to the Eastern direction, taking about 30 seconds to do so. When I came back, I could hear VU2YE much more clearly and DX station could be heard partly once again. I could also hear VU3BGK. Here is the curated audio recording of the pass:


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