BCDX Net, A Unique HF Net on Sundays!

 Today I had the opportunity to check in to a unique type of HF net, the BCDX Net on 7085 kHz. As I came a bit late to the band today, I was looking at the waterfall display for any stations to work. I saw a signal on 7085 kHz and thought that Lake City Net has been quite delayed. But the Lake City Net had been over and it was the BCDX Net. I heard VU3XIO reading out a list of broadcast stations and their signal reports. I listened because I had been a BC DXer in a small way before I came to amateur radio. I used to tune around the Phillips Prestige vacuum tube radio during free time, looking for long distance stations. BCDX net is only on Sundays, from 8.30 to 9.00 am and the net controls are from my place, VU3SIO and VU3XIO.


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