Trying to Check In to VU2VWN Net on CW With FT-710!

 My earlier attempts at checking in to morning SSB HF nets on CW were unsuccessful as I could not setup my FT-710 radio to TX on CW while listening on SSB. I had posted this problem online and couple friends suggested using split mode with different VFOs to work SSB and CW. The problem which I was facing was that the keyer would not switch on when SSB mode was selected. So split mode would sort out that problem. Initially I tuned both VFOs to the same frequency 7.12345 MHz for VU2VWN Memorial Net. Not sure whether it was because of that or due to some other technical reason, net control did not hear me in the first attempt. Then I tried with the TX VFO on 7.123 MHz and I was heard. My CW was far from perfect because I have very little practice with the keyer and of course I was a bit nervous while checking in to the HF SSB net for the first time. I had checked in to CW nets on 40 and 20 m once or twice, again with plenty of mistakes as usual!


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