C21MM: German DXpedition to Nauru Island, Only a Few More Days!

 C21MM, the German DXpedition to Nauru Island, is from October 10-29, 2024. Just a week more, have you got them in your log? Well, I have not been able to hear them yet. QRZ page of C21MM has a whopping 291,230 lookups as of now. That shows how popular the DXpedition is among the amateur radio fraternity. They are a dedicated team of 14 operators from Germany.

Nauru island, formerly known as Pleasant Island, is an island nation in Oceania region in the central pacific, officially known as the Republic of Nauru. VOACAP HF Propagation Predictions for C21MM, October 14-27, 2024 is available on the DXpedition website. If you enter your grid location, a lot of charts are generated by the program. But you need a lot of experience in interpreting them, which unfortunately I do not have!

Logsearch powered by CLUBLOG is also there as well as an option for OQRS, for which you have to wait until the end of the expedition. Operations are planned on all bands from 160 m to 6m. CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 modes have been planned, though all modes may not be available on all bands. But they are available for all bands from 40 to 10m, though SSB is not there on 30m, as expected.


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