What is Roving in Amateur Radio Satellite Operations?

 I have been hearing about Satellite Roving on Twitter very often and wondered what it was and just thought of finding it out. Satellite Roving is simply operating satellites using portable Amateur Radio equipment from a grid square other than your home location. If you are a little adventurous, you can go to rare and difficult to access grids and other hams will be very happy to work you, if you have informed them well in advance! There is also an AMSAT Rover Award awaiting active Satellite Rovers.

Rovers often post their schedule over X or on hams.at so that others can look out for them. There is usually a rush on satellite passes where rovers are active, to get those rare grids. Roving activity is more often on linear satellites and satellites with higher footprints like IO-117 when it was active. Some work the Geostationary Amateur Radio Satellite Qatar Oscar 100 also during roving activities. When no other satellites are available, they also go for regular FM satellites. Recently there was a record making contact over QO-100 from Newfoundland.

So what is a grid square? Grid squares are a simple method of describing your general location anywhere on Earth. One grid square measures one degree latitude by two degrees longitude. Total number of grid squares on the globe would be 32,400. Measurement of the grid square in Kilometers or Miles would vary depending on the region and will become smaller as you approach the poles. Hundred grid squares are grouped into a grid field. Grid field is indicated by two letters and grid square will have two numbers in addition to the letters indicating the field. Usually grid squares are mentioned during contacts in VHF bands and above. As per one of the grid locator maps I found my grid location as MK71.


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