What is NanoVNA?

 NanoVNA is a handheld Vector Network Analyzer useful for measuring and analyzing radiofrequency circuits. NanoVNA works by sending a test signal through the circuit and measuring the reflection and transmission of that signal. It can measure the impedance and frequency response. Thus NanoVNA is useful for testing antennas, tuning filters, and measuring cable loss. Though it may not be as accurate as more expensive lab equipment, it is a useful tool for the Radio Amateur.

Vector network analysis involves measuring the amplitude and phase of a test signal as it travels through a circuit. Input and output signals are compared to determine how the circuit is affecting the signal and calculate its characteristics. NanoVNA was developed in 2018 and the open-source nature has made it popular among hobbyists. While the initial version of NanoVNA was powered by a USB source, revised versions can be run on 3.7V Lithium ion battery. Different versions with varying frequency range are available. Revised versions may have frequency range of 50KHz – 4.4GHz while the initial version had a frequency range of just 50KHz-300MHz. It can be connected to a computer for data analysis.


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