Was Looking for NA1SS on Space Station Pass

 Yesterday there was a message on Amsat Bulletin Board mentioning that: 'Astronauts "off-duty" tomorrow ... MIGHT be some FM simplex communications happening!'. So I decided to listen keenly to a pass of Space Station just after 8 pm IST (UTC+5.30), hoping to hear NA1SS. Though I was not lucky enough to hear an astronaut, I was lucky to hear my friend Lucky, VU2LBW loud and clear. Gave a call and I was quite happy to hear his reply, a contact after a long time. VU2LBW is a veteran LEO satellite operator in this region, with an excellent setup for satellite communications and I always hear his signals from horizon to horizon, whenever he is on the satellite pass. Towards the end of the pass I could also hear VU3BGK, but as the satellite was quite far away, I could not reach him. Here is a short recording of the audio from IC 2730 radio during the ARISS pass today evening.


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