VU2SV Memorial Net on 7090 kHz with VU2NSL and VU3LLL as net controls. Plenty of signals on 40m waterfall display. Excellent band condition here today morning.
See also (new post): Standalone Versions of LMR SDR! I have been hearing about LMR SDR during discussions among homebrewers for the past few days on 40m. Thought of learning a bit about it and my web searches told me that some of the persons behind the development of LMR SDR are YE3CIF, UT3MK and F5NPV. F5NPV has given detailed descriptions about homebrewing LMR SDR on his webpage, including videos. Even though I did look at the pages of YE3CIF and UT3MK, they seem to be in regional languages. I could not find the expansion of LMR on those pages, though I presume that it would stand for land mobile radio. LMR cables which many of us use were initially designed for land mobile radio. SDR stands for Software Defined Radio like my FT-710, which uses software to do many of the functions done by hardware in the conventional superheterodyne radio receiver . It is interesting to note that LMR SDR covers from 160m to 10m band, that is the whole amateur radio HF bands. There are a...
Well, I had not heard till I read the program schedule of LARC-7 today. Most of you would be familiar with uBITX which has gone up to version 6. Some of you would be aware of sBITX, which is quite an advance over uBITX. Almost daily I am meeting a new uBITX user on the band, most of them using additional linear amplifiers. That made me join the BITX group on , where I am getting messages from uBITX and sBITX users from all sides of the globe. Still I was not aware of zBITX and that made me look around and came across two references. One was the video of a talk by VU2ESE at QRP ARCI . Another was an email in the BITX which was citing the former. zBITX is a new transceiver from VU2ESE based on Raspberry Pi Zero for 20W, having CW skimmer and FT8 modes in addition to the regular SSB mode and waterfall display which the sBITX also has. zBITX is quite small, just 3" x 3" x 1.5" in size. It is a Raspberry Pi Zero based 20 W software defined radio which h...
VU2ESE has announced the launch of zBitx on the BITX group. It is available for purchase at and delivery will start in February 2025. According to VU2ESE, it is a low cost 5 Watt, 80m to 10m QRP radio with a 480x320 touch screen that allows you to run CW, FT8 and other digital modes without needing even a phone that the original zBitx needed. As previously posted, zBitx is based on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, which gives it the prefix 'z'. The physical size of zBitx is just 6 inches by 3.5 inches, 1.5 inches thick, weighing just 250gm, and includes a battery case that can hold two 18650 lithium polymer batteries. One has to get batteries from elsewhere. External DC supply can also be used with a maximum of 9V. zBitx seems to be quite 'pocket friendly' both in the literal sense and cost wise! An HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse can be plugged in, to use like a QRP base station. zBitx runs the same software as sBitx radios. zBitx will ship with...
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