UVSQ-SAT Activation for 48 Hours From Tomorrow!

 UVSQ-SAT is a CubeSat which was launched on 24th January 2021. Though it was initially mentioned that UVSQ-SAT team will provide an availability of the transponder up to 20% of time for Ham Radio operations, that never happened and activations for Ham Radio were quite rare and unpredictable. Now the UVSQ-SAT team has announced on X that the transponder will be activated for 48 hours from Saturday September 14 (UTC 00h00). Uplink is on 145.905 MHz and Downlink on 437.020 MHz. No tone is needed for access. That is a welcome event when we are facing scarcity of FM satellites after the TEVEL series re-entered the Earth's atmosphere. Let us see if we can have a few contacts through the transponder. There seems to be couple of passes tomorrow and the day after in my region.


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