Plenty of Signals on 40, 20 and 15 m, But None on 10 m!

 Today evening by about 5.30 pm local time, I could see several signals on the waterfall on 40m, which was quite unusual. In the morning hours 40m band is busy with several local nets and ragchews. But we have only one net in the evening, the Silicon City Net, that too will be over before 5.30 pm. Hardly one or two signals may be seen on the waterfall by that time on 40m. Today most of the stations on 40m were DX, possibly from Indonesia. There should have been some contest out there. I could hear several YL operators as well. 

Checked 20m, which is usually active at that time with several long distance VU stations. It was the same today also, with dense signals on the waterfall on 20m, some even 5,9+20 dB.

Moved on to 15m, which also showed a few signals on the waterfall. Seemed like Indonesian stations operating contests. There were YL operators there as well. With all the lower bands wide open, I was hopeful that 10m also will be open and give me a few DX contacts. But contrary to my expectation, 10m was noisy and there were no stations heard at all!


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