First Contact on the 'Rare Bird' UVSQ-SAT!

 First Contact on the 'Rare Bird' UVSQ-SAT, with VU2TEK! The satellite was at 600 km distance and elevation was 30 degrees, when I heard VU2TEK during the pass starting from 10:17 pm IST (UTC+5.30) on 14 September 2024. I had not luck during the contact on the morning of 14 September 2024, though VU2TEK could hear some station partly. That was a pass with maximum elevation 23 degrees here while the successful pass had 45 degrees maximum elevation. I continued hearing VU2TEK for a few minutes after our contact as well. As the satellite has been activated for 48 hours from 0000z on 14 September 2024, there will be two more passes in this region on 15 September 2024. But they are of lower elevation, 15 degrees and 13 degrees. 


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