Assembling a bridge rectifier on a breadboard

 I used four rectifier diodes and a 1000 MFD filter capacitor to assemble a simple bridge rectifier on a breadboard. Used jumper wires of red and black colour to take the output of the power supply. As the step down transformer from 230V to 12V was a bit heavy, it was kept separately. This will constitute a linear power supply in which the mains voltage is directly stepped down to the output level. In SMPS or Switch Mode Power Supply, a radiofrequency waveform is generated first so that step down transformer can be much smaller at higher frequency. Switch Mode Power Supplies will be much lighter as the RF transformer size is small. But SMPS may have radio frequency interference when used near to amateur radio receivers. RFI suppression circuits will have to be included for this. In case of linear power supply, the transformer uses a laminated core to reduce eddy currents and power loss as heat. Eddy currents will reduce the already lower efficiency of linear power supplies.


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