700/800 MHz Public Safety Band Penetrates Buildings Well!

 In a response to my post in the HamSCI (Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation) Google Group, N8SBE mentioned that 700-800 MHz is quite useful for first responders as it penetrates structures well. Within building coverage is of vital importance to firefighters. According to him, building owner is required to place repeaters inside to assist coverage as well. Skimmed through our National Frequency Allocation Plan 2022 and found that 614-890 MHz has been allocated for fixed, mobile and broadcasting services. 806-811 MHz frequency and 851-856 MHz paired frequency has been allocated to Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).

There are also other frequency bands mentioned for PPDR applications. I presume that it will correspond to the first responder use mentioned by N8SBE. In the introduction of NFAP 2022, it has been mentioned that before any part of the spectrum is put to use in India, a licence is required to be obtained from the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC Wing), Ministry of Communications, unless such a requirement is exempted by the WPC Wing. Frequency allocations may be different in other global regions.


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