10m Band Back Alive!

 Some of my friends have been able to work 10m band over the past few days and I was on the lookout for stations on 10m. I heard a couple of DX stations on 28.475 MHz signing off, but I could not get their callsign. Though I tried calling QRZ, I did not get any reply. Later I heard a very strong station in foreign language on 28.506 MHz working a couple of other stations. After listening for a few minutes, they faded away before I could try a call. Then I came back to 28.475 MHz and gave an automated CQ call.

Immediately I got a reply from YC2DOT from a distance of 4343.3 km, at 6.02 pm local time here. We had a quick exchange of reports and he said 73s. As I had not expected a reply as I seldom get replies for CQ calls, I could not record the QSO. After that I tried a few automated CQ calls with recording, but was not lucky to get any more contacts. Anyway I am happy that I could work one DX and hear a few DX on my erstwhile favourite DX band. Some of my DX friends had told me online that 10m which had almost closed in summer, would open up towards the end of September. I am glad that it has opened up even before that! 73s and good DX on 10m.


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