RS-44 CW Beacon Recorded by VU3CDK Using V3ZNG OpenWebRX!

 I had tried livestreaming of RS-44 Amateur Radio Satellite using VU3ZNG OpenWebRX. But I could not hear much in it, possibly as I was not tracking the Doppler shift in frequency and it was an automatic streaming using OBS software in my laptop. According to VU2TUM, upper half (435.640 to 435.670 MHz) is usually used for SSB voice and the lower half (435.610 to 435.640 MHz) is for CW in the band plan for RS-44 which has an inverting transponder with 60 kHz bandwidth. Here is the nice recording of the RS-44 beacon in CW mentioning di dah dit, di di dit, di di di di dah, di di di di dah.


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