Fairly Successful Live Streaming Trial of Space Station Amateur Radio 5.08 am UTC on 27th August 2024

 You can hear VU2JEK replying to my call at 6:09 fairly well and VU2ADV calling me soon after that, though the squelch was kept closed on UHF side of IC 2730 radio and audio muted on VHF side. It was an Eastern pass for me, with 54 degrees maximum elevation. I tried opening squelch little bit after that and that would have caused loss of signals on live streaming after that, though I continued hearing both VU2JEK and VU2ADV for several minutes after that. Even my narration has not been picked up well after trying to open the squelch!

That was a trial of live streaming of downlink of voice transponder of Amateur Radio on International Space Station on 437.800 MHz with intermittent manual rotation of mast mounted Moxon Yagi and manual Doppler correction in my IC 2730 Radio. ARISS pass was from 5.08 am UTC (10.38 am IST) to 5.18 am UTC (10.48 am IST). Yesterday I tried with squelch open on UHF and the webcam was not picking up any signal except my call which was direct pickup. Not sure whether any automatic noise cancellation in Windows prevented audio pickup in spite of keeping radio on full volume.


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