International Light House/Light Ship Weekend Celebration by VU Hams

 VU3CDK has kindly informed me of two International Light House/Light Ship Weekend Amateur Radio Special Activations by VU hams.

1.  Betul Lighthouse Activation (Goa): Special Callsign: AU2LH

Multi-band amateur radio operations have been scheduled for 17th and 18th August, 2024. Confirmed operators are VU2ZMK (Mahendra) who routinely live streams Belgaum Net on YouTube, VU2YQ (Amey), veteran satellite operator and the latest Satellite VUCC from India, VU3FGJ (Sandy) who had a Beaches on the Air Activation some time back and I could work him, and VU3IAG (Vaishabh), VU3FUD, VU2APU, VU2TDT, VU2ROE. They are planning to use multiband Rabbit Ear Antennas, Yagi, EFHW and Fan Dipole. Looking at the antennas listed on the Goa Radio Amateur's Society webpage, I presume that it will be from 40 through 6m. VU2YQ being a veteran satellite operator, I expect LEO satellite operations as well. 

2. Mahabalipuram Light House Activation: Special Callsign: AT2LHM

"Roving Hams", a group of Amateur radio operators from Chennai, is planning to to activate  lighthouse at Mahabalipuram, near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. They plan to be active on VHF, HF 40-10m SSB, FT8 & QO-100, from August 17 16:00 IST (11:30 UTC) to August 18 11:00 IST (05:30 UTC). The team will include VU2RJV, VU2SAA, VU2TSF, VU2FFW, VU3HXI and VU3WAW. 

I hope to work both stations either today or tommorrow as both locations could be accessible on 40m from my location!

73 de Jon, VU2JO


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