Happy to Work 9M2AIS on 20m SSB!

 Yesterday evening I heard 9M2AIS calling CQ DX on 20m. I was quite happy as he was coming here 5,9+10dB. Usually I am heard in that region if the received signal is good, indicating that the band is open between us, at a distance of nearly 3000 km. Gave a reply call and was heard in the first instance, though I had to repeat my callsign once again for him. He gave me a 5,7 report and signed off.

Here is a short video clip of his CQ call. Incidentally, it was only yesterday that I was told the meaning of a CQ call by a comment on my YouTube channel: "Seek you, I am seeking you, CQ". Looks a very nice explanation, which I had not heard in my four decades of amateur radio.


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