AO-91 Pass at 4.00 UTC, 24 August 2024

 Had a Western pass of AO-91 at around 4.00 UTC in our region. Usually Western passes are better for me as my concrete water tank does not block the satellite signals. Another reasson for AO-91 is that when it comes from the Indian Ocean region without any LEO satellite operators, battery is better. This has been my observation, often ratified by other veteran LEO satellite operators in this region as well. Towards the time of closest approach, I could hear my CQ call partially on the downlink, with my antenna pointed in that direction. Soon I went outside and turned antenna to the North. After that I could hear my voice again on the downlink. All except one were partial copy on downlink in my full duplex radio with uplink frequency speaker muted. I have removed the intervening noise periods to reduce the time needed for you to listen the recording. Actually each of my audio signals were separted by about 2 minutes as I was listening in between for any possible replies.


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