Akash Bandhan: New Weekly Amateur Radio HF Net

 A new weekly amateur radio HF net on 20m was started a few weeks back, with net controls from India and Bangladesh. Earlier the time was announced as 5 pm IST. But I think that it has been moved to 5.30 pm IST, 1200z. Today I started hearing the net only by that time. I had tried live streaming the net using VU3WEW Open WebRX. As it was automatic live streaming using OBS Studio software in my laptop, the Open WebRX timed out after sometime and the live streaming stopped. I could listen to the net fairly well in my FT-710 radio. Though I did try to check in several times, I could not reach the net controls. Here is a short recording of the Akash Bandhan Weekly HF Net on 20m today evening.


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