Is There Scope for an HF Technical Discussion Net?

There are several Roll Call and Non-Roll Call HF Nets in VU Land, as can be seen from the QSL NET page of VU2JOS . Today VU3CDK suggested a different type of net: A Technical Discussion Net. It could be a 20-30 minute session on popular HF bands, either on 40m or 20m, to which both amateur radio operators and Short Wave Listeners can tune to. Topics suggested were, radios, antennas, propagation, satellites, new technologies and innovations. Interested hams can directly participate in the discussion while SWLs can mail in their questions in advance. Each session could have a topic announced the previous week and 10 minutes could be alloted for open house discussions. This will not be of the regular checkin-signal report pattern. Discussions will be centered on the theme of the week and net start and end time will be fixed. Potential time slots could be chosen between either 6.30 am or 7.30 pm, on Saturday or Sunday. This will help newbie hams who are trying to setup their stations ...